
Tech-Driven Transformation for Charities

Embark on a transformative journey with our IT services tailored for Charities & Non-Profit Organizations. Revolutionize fundraising through a blend of digital innovation and analytical insights. Together, let’s modernize your approach, empowering your noble cause with cutting-edge solutions that amplify impact and bring about positive change in the digital era.

Trusted by 1,000+ happy customers worldwide

Technology has democratized charity and fundraising, making it easily accessible.

Donors can effortlessly contribute through mobile platforms, leveraging the seamless integration of fundraising tools with their social media profiles. Analytics-driven insights empower fundraisers to set and achieve realistic campaign goals, engaging both donors and broader communities.

At AdoMobi, our global partnerships include collaboration with leaders in nonprofit and fundraising sectors. We dedicate ourselves to ensuring the smooth operation of their endeavors by providing a diverse array of IT services tailored specifically for Charities & Non-Profit Organizations, amplifying their impact and fostering success on a global scale.

We know your revenue drivers and scale them with

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Software & App Solutions

Holistic Fundraising Platforms

Redefine fundraising dynamics with end-to-end platforms, seamlessly connecting donors and campaigners. Prioritize security and risk management for robust and trustworthy funding transactions.

Empowered Campaigner Dashboards

Equip campaigners with intuitive dashboards, seamlessly integrating with Stripe to ensure authentic onboarding and transparent tracking of raised funds, enhancing the overall campaign experience.

User-Friendly Donor Interfaces

Prioritize donor experience with user-friendly interfaces supported by diverse payment gateways such as Stripe, Paypal, Mastercard, MangoPay, Benefit, Bancontact, and iDeal, ensuring a seamless and accessible donation process.

Marketplace Features for Collaboration

Introduce marketplace features for a multi-party platform, encouraging collaborative efforts like peer-to-peer donations, leaderboards, and efficient payout management, fostering a sense of community and shared impact.

Streamlined Inter-Departmental Coordination

Enhance operational efficiency with web and mobile applications designed for seamless inter-departmental coordination. Additionally, desktop-based CRM and databases offer comprehensive management of funds and donation data, ensuring organized record-keeping.

Empowering Non-Profits Globally

Dedicate resources and expertise to empower nonprofits and charitable organizations globally. Provide the tools and capabilities necessary to amplify impact, foster positive change, and simplify operations for a wider-reaching influence.

Reporting and Analytics Services

Elevate your real estate insights with our reporting and analytical solutions. Gain comprehensive data on market trends, property performance, and customer behavior, empowering informed decision-making for strategic growth.

Performance Insights

Gain comprehensive performance insights with analytics around leads and customers, complemented by sentiment analysis from reviews, feedback, and social channels.

Data Integration Excellence

Achieve a single source of truth through seamless integration of data from various sources, creating a centralized hub for precise decision-making within the funding organization.

Operational Efficiency Dashboards

Improve operational efficiency through purpose-built dashboards, monitoring performance metrics and optimizing daily operations, ensuring streamlined processes for sustained success.

Business Dashboards for Leadership

Elevate leadership decision-making with integrated business dashboards, offering a consolidated view of financial, customer, manufacturing, inventory, and HR information for informed and strategic choices.

Our Tech Expertise


With our technological proficiency and tailored IT solutions for Charities & Non-Profit Organizations, we strive to harmonize your innovative vision. Together, we can develop tech systems that amplify your impact and simplify audience engagement.

No Rocket Science

Three Step Approach

Give Us The Lowdown

In this manner, we initiate the search for resources precisely tailored to meet the distinctive demands of your project, ensuring a seamless alignment with its unique requirements

We Put Together Your Dream-Team

At the outset, we curate an exceptional team for your project, carefully selecting top-tier talent. Complemented by a dedicated project manager, we guide your vision from conception to realization, ensuring a seamless journey toward project fruition and success.

Project Kick-Off

With your dream team in place, the journey toward your project’s success begins. Rest assured, you’re in the capable hands of the finest professionals, moving forward with confidence and determination.

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